
Collective Community: The Global Collaboration Brewing at Loretta’s Coffee

Loretta and TK are what we call a “power couple”, a husband-and-wife entrepreneurial team from Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Their young business, Loretta’s Coffee, is only five years old but is already dominating the coffee shop market in a town full of tourists who demand a good cup of joe to enjoy while they see the […]

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A Dream Realized: The Story Behind Binga’s New Maternal and Pediatric Hospital

There was quite a flurry of excitement earlier this month at the Jeannie Burns Buckner Maternal and Pediatric Hospital in remote Binga, Zimbabwe, when the First Lady, Dr. Auxillia Mnangagwa, flew in to tour the hospital and formally open the facility which has been operational since last summer. On hand to greet the First Lady

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Medical Equipment & Supplies Deliver Hope To Zimbabwe

Medical Equipment & Supplies Deliver Hope To Zimbabwe

On a beautiful summer day in 2018, a container load of medical equipment and supplies from MATTER was being unloaded at Victoria Falls Hospital in Zimbabwe. Winnie, one of the hospital’s nurses, stood watching from a distance hardly believing what she was seeing. “I feel like we go to war every day. We get people in accidents that need x-rays, pregnant

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Bringing Hope To Zimbabwe

Bringing Hope To Zimbabwe: Medical Container Ships

“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all the darkness.” Desmond Tutu  It’s MATTER’s privilege to partner with individuals and organizations to bring the bright light of hope to families and communities throughout our world. During these dark days of fear and uncertainty, sickness and death, that light is needed now more than ever.   In the capital

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Victoria Falls Nutrition Garden

Victoria Falls Hospital’s Nutrition Garden: Giving Thanks for the Harvest!

Here in the Midwest the growing season is definitely over. The fields have been harvested and are now sitting barren and brown, waiting for the cover of snow to blanket them until spring. But it’s another story entirely in Zimbabwe. With temperatures in the 90’s and humidity at 90%, their growing season is in full swing.  There’s

Victoria Falls Hospital’s Nutrition Garden: Giving Thanks for the Harvest! Read More »