Matter Team Headed to Africa to View Health Projects


Three members of Matter’s team are headed to Africa for a three-week trip to connect with partners on the ground, and get updates on our international health initiatives.

President Quenton Marty, Vice President of Operations Jeremy Newhouse and Vice President of Procurement and International Programs Mike Muelken will visit Zambia, Senegal, Kenya and Tanzania over the next three weeks. In Zambia, the team will meet with Health Hope Zambia to discuss the requirements of a new hospital and maternity ward in Lusaka. In Senegal, we will meet with Gorgui Dieng of the Minnesota Timberwolves to meet the container which Matter and Gorgui sent to a hospital in his hometown. In Kenya, Matter team members will visit the new maternity ward in the slum of Dandora, outside of Nairobi, which Matter completely outfitted. In Tanzania, Matter will assess the needs and help to install a new container of medical supplies in a hospital on the edge of the Serengeti Plains.

All of these projects will dramatically increase the access to modern healthcare for thousands of people in each of the communities where the hospitals are located. Doctors will be better equipped to treat patients with proper technology and conditions will be more hygienic and safe than ever before in these facilities.

Check Matter’s Facebook and Twitter pages, as well as this blog, for stories and updates from the field over the next three weeks!