“School is more fun and I look forward to it now!”
Tristan Harris is a sixth-grader at Victoria Falls Primary School in Zimbabwe. At eleven years old, attending school had become routine and boring. When the MATTER Innovation Hub arrived at his school earlier this year, Tristan’s attitude changed. Instead of dreading school, he got up each day eager to go.
It’s no wonder. Designed to foster student’s creativity and problem-solving skills, the Innovation Hub uses exclusive Apple software to teach students technology using hands-on, engaging activities and lessons.
“In class you know what you’re going to learn. But in the Hub it’s always new and exciting.”

While giving students a sense of fun and excitement isn’t the main objective of the Hub, it’s certainly an important part of it. The more engaged the students, the more they learn, the easier their creative juices flow, and the better they work together to solve problems. Developing these skills is crucial. They will give Tristan and his peers a chance to compete in the technological world of tomorrow, one that many are calling the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In short, learning leads to opportunity!
World-renowned economist Klaus Schwab is hopeful about the coming global shift, “Like the revolutions that preceded it, the Fourth Industrial Revolution has the potential to raise global income levels and improve the quality of life for populations around the world.”
That’s why the MATTER Innovation Hub is in Victoria Falls. Offering students like Tristan the chance to learn technology and develop important soft skills like creativity, problem-solving, collaboration and leadership is going to open doors of opportunity for them that otherwise might remain closed.
At eleven years old, Tristan isn’t sure what he wants to do when he grows up. Thanks to the Innovation Hub though, he’s starting to envision himself working in the technology industry, a dream he didn’t even know was possible a few months ago. As he’s using Sphero balls, flying drones or making iMovies (some of his favorite things to do in the Hub), he’s building the knowledge and skills to make his dreams come true.
“The Hub is amazing! I’ve learned so much and I know I will learn a lot more.”
With your generous gift of $25/month, we can ensure that Tristan and the other students at Victoria Falls Primary School continue to receive this life-changing education. $25/month covers the cost of the technology, materials and facilitator. Our goal is to have 250 students sponsored in 2020.
Please consider joining teamMATTER and support a student today! Make their dreams come true and help learning lead to opportunity for each of them. Learn more here!